Glengoole Plants Online

Empathy rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi 200g

Category: Garden

€ 10.99
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Adding rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi into difficult soils will enable plants to establish and thrive. In poor sandy soils the mycorrhizal fungi will be able to find scarce nutrients and hold onto water. In clay soils these fungi will be able to release nutrients from the soil acting like a clay breaker. The benefits to plants are;

Better nutrient uptake. These fungi are so much finer and thinner than the plant’s own roots, they can therefore find nutrients in the soil far more efficiently than the plant’s own coarse roots.

They are especially good at finding nutrients responsible for flowering and fruiting such as Phosphorus and Potassium. As they can explore a much greater amount of soil than the plant’s own roots they are also far more likely to find trace elements and the rare nutrients that all plants need to grow well.

How rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi works:

On average it takes between two and four weeks under normal conditions to start seeing the real benefits of fungi in the plants. In that time they attach themselves to the plant’s root system and grow out rapidly into the soil, searching for nutrients and water. They essentially become part of the plant’s own root system.

Some of the benefits of rootgrow include:

  • It has superior plant establishment with better natural vigour
  • Overcome re-plant problems more successfully
  • Have better developed root systems
  • Are better able to cope with conditions of drought
  • Plants will be supported for their entire lifetime after a single application

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